The woman who would come to assume the alias of PMS Avenger is a resident of Champion City. At some point, she discovered that she became stronger and angrier when she was experiencing Premenstrual syndrome (PMS). She decided that she should put her powers to better use and, designing a uniform, started her career as a costumed crime fighter. Due to her powers' short duration, she decided she could only fight crime 4 days out of the month. She attended the superhero tryouts held by the Mystery Men, but due to the restrictions on when she would be an effective superhero, she did not make the team.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Premenstrual syndrome: She discovered that her rage increased substantially while she was experiencing Premenstrual syndrome. It only lasts for 4 days out of a month.
- Rage Empowerment: When her anger increases, she gains a significant increase in strength.